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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 1:28 PM
Payments to Victims

To Whom it May Concern:

I've got a major problem with this. Though I sympathize and feel for
those persons who lost family in the attacks of September 11, I do not
believe that those acts of terror should make the families of the
victims millionaires, and that seems to be exactly where all this
funding is headed.

The Red Cross has ceased accepting donations after having already
accrued $500 million. The September 11th Fund is up to $320 million.
The death toll for NY is not yet final, but, more and more, it seems
that the figure will come in well below that originally thought. If one
takes the current estimate of those dead at 4800 and rounds it up to
5000 and divides that into the $820 million noted above, then each
family can potentially receive $164,000 right there. This does not even
take into account all of the monies donated to other charities as well
as those designated specifically for the firefighters and resuce
workers. And, in fact, the average worker in the Word Trade towers, the
Pentagon, and rescue field was NOT without life insurance and a
pension. Consequently, it seems most of these families are going to do
all right without the funding set aside by the government. However, the
morass is there and can't be undone (unless congress votes to rescind
the bill, which they should not have passed in such a knee-jerk fashion
in the first place!). Therefore, I strongly recommend that any
charitable monies received by the victims' families be deducted from any
government payment.


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September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000101.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,