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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, January 18, 2002 4:03 PM
Victims Compensation Fund Complaint

Mr. Feinberg,

My family and I lost my brother, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , in the terrorist attacks
on September 11th. I'm writing to you today in response to the limitations
you have set on the Victims Compensation Fund.

My sister-in-law and nephew, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp wife and 4 1/2 month old son, will
receive little or no compensation under the current tables! This is
extremely unfair and changes need to be made to the current tables. There
should be no cap of yearly earning potential, and you should use up-to-date
New York statistics in order to calculate their lifetime earnings!

An increase needs to be made to the non-economic damages as well. The
current tables for the Fund is absolute insult to all of the families who
lost a loved one on September 11th. My brother, as well as the other
thousands of innocent people that were there, didn't deserve to die like
that. The least our government can do now is take care of the families.
You were all very quick to protect the airlines - what about these families?
The United States is always very quick to protect everyone else - how about
this time we protect our own people! Thousands of families have been left
without lifetime providers... it's time for the government to step up to the
plate and provide for them.

I cannot speak for the other innocent victims - but I can speak personally
for my brother... on September 11th our family lost a very kind, caring,
intelligent person and our lives will never be the same. My nephew was 10
days old when his father was taken away from him - and now he will never
have the chance to really know him except through stories from our family.
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp would have been a wonderful father and my nephew will never be able to
experience that now. And when the day comes when he asks me "WHY?" - What
should I say? I ask myself that everyday. Do you know why?

You know &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp isn't just a name - he was a person and he was
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp husband, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp son, &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp brother and most importantly
&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp father!

Change the current tables - don't put these families through any more pain!

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002035.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,