September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:01 PM

To Whom It Concerns,

As a lesbian in a committed relationship with my partner for many years (9 plus) I feel the need to voice my opinion about the fact that gays and lesbian will not be given any financial relief from the funds which were set up to help victims of the September 11th disaster. I cannot believe that our goverment continues to be so NARROW minded and feels that discrimination is still an accepted behavior in our country. These families deserve the same benefits and recognition that any other families who suffered losses during this tragic event in our history. When is the goverment going to wake up and realize that gay people work for a living, pay taxes etc. That we are not excempt from inheritance taxes, family responsibility, financial responsibility etc. We have all of the same joys and sorrows as any other heterosexual couple. I am proud of my life, of who I am, of the family my partner and I have created and I am extremely saddened and angry that once again, the ignorant, uneducated people running our country are finding a way to discriminate against honest, law abiding citizens of the United States. I thought this was supposed to be a FREE country but it is efforts and circumstances like these that prove over and over again that it is not! Please reconsider this policy!

Individual Comment
Bellows Falls, Vt

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002420.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,