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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 22, 2002 11:55 AM
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund

Dear Dept. of Justice,

As a hard-working taxpayer and U.S. citizen, I want to express my
opinion of the Victim Compensation Fund. First of all, I don't believe such
a fund should exist. As we have all seen the amount of private donations to
the victims has been extraordinay. Also as the actual count of the victims
has dropped dramatically, the amount of private donations for each of those
victims families has risen dramatically. Therefore, do any of the victims
families really need any taxpayer money on top of the massive windfall of
private contributions they are already receiving?
Also the horrible precedent that this fund sets is very scary as a tax payer.
Why should the victims of 9/11 be treated any differently than anyone else
whom dies unexpectedly? If the victims of 9/11 are compensated so generously
by the US taxpayer, what is to preclude any other unexpected deaths to be
not compensated?
Concerning the amounts that are being discussed for the 9/11 victims; I am
appalled at the huge amounts of tax-free money being thrown at the victims
families. When did the idea of compensation shift from helping the victims
get back on their feet and meeting immediate expenses to one of trying to
make them independetly wealthy and not wanting for anything the rest of their
The whining from the victims' families about the size of the compensation is
revolting. These ungrateful jerks shouln't be getting any taxpayer money at
all, and all they do is scream and whine about not getting more. Have they
no shame? Why in the hell do these people think they should be entitled to
pick the pockets of hard working taxpayers? Please tell these whining jerks
to shut-up and start being more grateful for every penney they get.
Lastly, there is a lot of whining about life insurance proceeds being
deducted from the amounts being givern out. Please explain to me why the
amount of Life Insurance a person held was adequate to cover an untimely
death while that person was alive, but as soon as they are killed then the
amount of Life Insurance they held is no longer adequate. All of these
victims and their families made Life Insurance decisions while those people
were living, it clearly was their duty to have an amount of life insurance
which would provide for the survivors in the event of an untimely death.
Again, why would those people now complain about not having enough
compensation?, they picked their own level of life insurance. DUH
Please take these concerns seriously. The concerns of the non-victim US
citizens must be taken into account. After all it is my money you are
throwing around to these ingrates.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002247.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 3, 2024,