September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:52 AM

Structured Settlements

Since the US Government and most major insurance carriers make common use of Structured Settlements to get maximum benefit from indemnity dollars, it is only appropriate that the victims of this tragedy be availed of the same opportunity. Our firm, Ringler Associates, is by far the largest of any firm offering Structured Settlement services and is also strategically located within blocks of the Site in downtown Manhattan. If fact, that is our largest office, of the forty plus located around the country. We have approximately 25 people at that location and also count most of the involved insurance carriers as our clients, including many parties affiliated with the London market, which we service through the New York office and managed my me. The cost of Structured Settlement services is going to be very much the same from most brokers. However, the quality of services offered from such firms varies to a great degree and it is our belief that we can best serve those needs from Ringler Associates in Manhattan. Having now recovered from our own financial setbacks resulting from the disaster, we will be occupying our new offices in New York and are best qualified and staffed to serve the needs of the Federal Government and the insurers.

Ringler Associates Manhattan, Inc.

New York, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000427.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 21, 2024,