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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 18, 2002 8:09 PM
Who do we think we are?

My Fellow Americans,
I am absolutely apalled by the notion that ILLEGAL aliens are being
treated better by the American Government than some of our fellow citizens.
Whether or not I, or you for that matter, agree with any given individual's
life choices or sexual preference, I think we can all agree that if they are
American citizens, they are afforded "equal protection under the law." This
extends to protection from discrimination, especially from discrimination by
their very own government. Much as it may pain certain segments of the
American population to admit it, none of the terrorists who struck this
country on September 11th last year were gay. Furthermore, several, even
many, of the men who have been hailed as heroes for their actions that day
WERE gay. If this punctures someone's narrow view of the world, thank God.
It is past time for the various factions of this country to wake-up and
realize that whatever topics we may disagree on, we are all Americans. It
is past time to dispense with the hyphenations. I am an American, always
have been, always will be. Does it really still matter if I am white or
black? male or female? young or old? gay or straight? If so, maybe we
should all just call it quits, because if a tragedy like September 11th
can't crack the hatred and devisiveness of this country, nothing can.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001750.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,