September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:13 PM
Comment on Interim Final Ruling

As a citizen and taxpayer, I sense a gross inequity in granting the large sums of money to victims or families victims of 9-11.

1. It is inconceivable to me that the government (using tax payers money) is seeking to pay large sums of money to a group of people who have suffered loss but has not made such payments to other groups of people or individuals who have suffered loss. I am not aware of such a fund for those in the OKC bombing or any other event. What makes the loss of those on 9-11 any different from someone who incurs loss as the result of a drunk driver or a fireman in Fort Worth, Texas who dies fighting a fire set by an arsonist. In all cases, it is loss caused by someone breaking the law. It seems very inconsistent and unfair to pay some but not others.

2. The American people have been extraordinarily generous in raising money (and they continue to do so) for the victims. Why would we then tax the American people to give more? As a minimum, it would seem that a set amount be established (such as the $500,000) and then reduce it for any amounts received by victims from any other source. It seems that they are getting compensation twice and the American taxpayer has to pay.

3. Is there a need for every victim to receive additional compensation. Do many not have sufficient insurance that would be adequate for such losses?

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000032.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,