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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:41 PM
Federal Compensation Package

The families of the victims deserve to be generously compensated. These
people died because their government failed them by not keeping track of
those that enter this country and stay longer than their visas are for, or on
student visas but never attended school. The airport security failed them
because they allowed four planes to be hijacked on September 11th. Also, red
flags should have gone up when one way tickets were purchased with cash at
the most expensive ticket prices. The World Trade Center is at fault because
people on the top floors weren't killed instantly but had no way out.

These people did not choose to be in the military when war is always a
possibility. These people went off to work and never came home. This wasn't
an accident. This could have been prevented if the airports had better
security. People sue for all reasons, even when they spill a hot cup of tea
on themself because the water is too hot. Someone should be held accountable
for all the lives that were lost and for the families who are still living
but living with a hole in their hearts. Their loved ones can never be
replace but they should receive the amount of money they would have gotten if
their loved one were still working. And what about the children who have
lost a parent, companionship for a spouse, the elderly parents that have
lost their only child. These people deserve more than they are going to get.
Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001480.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,