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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 7:15 PM
No money for gay partners of the victims of 9/11?

Dear Sirs,

Is this true? Did Mr. Feinberg say that gay partners of the fallen heroes of 9/11 would not be eligible to receive monetary relief?

That is horrible. I am not a gay man. I am a married straight man. But these men died for their love of country. There is NO higher honor that can be bestowed upon a man, or woman, then to die for their country and family. So then the family that survives loses all rights because of religious zealots who would declare gays as immoral and un-holy? Let me tell you, there are many gay's in Portland where I live, they are school teachers, and doctors, and nurses like myself, and FIREMAN, and POLICE, and Paramedics, and fathers and friends to me and you. Their only wish in life is the same as anyone's. It is the right to be with a person who loves them for who they are, and what they believe in. If that is another man, or women, then so be it. No one should be denied intimacy and life without the love of a partner. NO ONE!!!!

I am ashamed to be called an American born and raised in Westchester County, New York, if this fact is not changed. As a matter of fact. If this is allowed to happen, then we are letting the terrorists get their way. They wanted to tear apart the fiber which binds us all. They want dissention, and chaos to ensue in the midst of their evil. We are Americans, one and all of us. Not only the straight, and so called righteous. We have a responsibility to each and every one whom would be a part of our great blended society.

To paraphrase an old saying I have seen somewhere (let me guess), I think it is said, "and liberty and justice for all, and liberty and justice for all!!! Those people who died in those planes gave no thought to the injustice they have been served up at the hands of pious and pompous zealots, and fanatics in the church, the government, and in our American politics whom would just as soon have us all praying their prayers, just the same as the maniacs in Afghanistan we are fighting to remove would have us do. There becomes an invisible line between the two factions when injustice like this is waged upon the innocent survivors of heroes. Our GAY heroes.

I would die to defend these heros as well as any man and woman in this country. But I would do it to defend the spirit in which this country was founded upon. "Give us your tired, your weary, your huddled masses." I do not think it said, "your straight, your religious, your properly behaved."

Please, in the name of all that is good, and right, do not tell me this will be allowed to continue. I am going to be watching you. I have the power of my voice, and my vote. I have the mighty pen, and the double edged sword of justice on my side. Not your type of justice, but the justice of truth, and what is right. Do something!

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000293.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 6, 2024,