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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, February 03, 2002 2:04 PM

I find this a very hard subject to address. My best friend was killed in the WTC and I established a foundation
for the education of the children which has been very successful. So one side of me wants everything that the
families can attain. The other side of me speaks to logic and fair thinking.
I have no problem with the private charities giving millions of dollars to every single family! In fact I believe
these charities are beginning to get there act together and the focus should be to get all these charities to
distribute the monies. People who gave monies here expected the families to receive every cent. I believe our
efforts should be in getting it distributed! I also agree that Social Security, Workmens Comp etc. Should be
made available to everyone. I think the companies themselves including the insurances should be looked at and
made sure all benefits are being paid and nobody is getting caught up in semantics to deny benefits.( i.e act of
war or not for Life Insururers). The waving of income taxes for families was also a good thing.
Where I begin to have my doubts is when the Government begins to give out compensation to victims. I guess
if they get it I say God Bless them take the money. But as a citizen I have to look at the total picture of the
precedent we are setting. This was indeed a horendous act of unimaginable proportions but what makes these
victims any different from Pan Am 103, or Oklahoma City or The Uss Cole or the Anthrax attack or for that
matter God forbid another attack of even bigger consequences. Where will we have to draw the line and what
is fair? Will the Government have to compensate everyone killed in this war? I just think this should be left up
to the private sector to work out . Did the British or French compensate all victims killed in WWII by the
bombings by Germany. I just think we have to watch out the example we set for the future.
As much as everyone wants to place the blame for this , it was almost an unimaginable event that no one could
have totally expected or planned for the way we lived pre 9/11. I know I may sound like I am talking out of
both sides of my mouth but this is the way I feel.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000369.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 8, 2024,