September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:18 PM
Liberty and Justic for ALL

To Whom It May Concern:

I am appalled by the apparent discriminatory treatment that your fund perpetuates on the survivors of gay men and women who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Of course, this tragedy brings out the most sympathetic feelings in almost every individual that I have discussed it with in the last six months. I've heard members of Congress say that there would be help and assistance for EVERY person that lost a loved one. I've heard Senator John McCain say that as a tribute to we will "claim victory over these atrocities." I've heard average citizens say that we should do anything that we can to help! But suddenly the sympathy seems to have come to an abrupt halt for a select few.

Now we are hearing things like "well, we didn't mean THOSE kind of people." I didn't send my money to help out those "faggots" who should have died along with the rest." "I'm glad that faggot died. It's a shame he had to take the other good people with him." did not want to be a hero. did not want to die. did not stand up and shout I'm gay and I'm hero. He simply offered his life as a means to save others of any race, creed, color or sexual orientation, and to apparently save a national treasure, the United States Capitol.

Now the surviving loved ones of others like are being told that they have no claim to any compensation because they are not recognized by state governments as being "legally" entitled. Yet people who have entered this country illegally and have made a mockery of our laws are given special dispensation from the very justice system that they skirt around every day. Why? Because they are heterosexual, of course. How silly of me to question that!!

I beg of you to find a way to provide the same kindness, courtesy, justice and love for all the survivors of this tragedy. Gay men and women in this country are beaten, set afire, butchered, tied to fences after being raped and tortured, spit on, chased by cars, - the list goes on and on - almost every day. We have so little recourse for these events because we can't even get Congress to see fit to include us in a hate crimes bill. Our country tells us we aren't even worthy of being protected, that our lives are worthless because of the person we love. Please don't add to one tragedy by perpetuating this hate. I assure you that as a gay man, I feel; I hurt; I cry; I bleed and I love just as any other human being. I know that those who lost someone they love on September 11th, feel; hurt, cry, bleed and love as well. Do NOT turn your back on them now.


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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000634.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 8, 2024,