September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 10:22 PM
compensation for survivors of 9/11

Whom it May Concern

I am deeply outraged and saddened that you are not compensating homosexual couples and their survivors in the same way that you are compensating heterosexual couples and their survivors.

Homosexuals and their partners need to be recognized by each and every state. Until that happens, we are allowing discrimation to happen against people in the United States. Whether a person who died in the 9/11 tragedy was straight or gay, they left people behind who loved them with their whole heart. Love is love. It does not see race, gender, how rich or poor someone is love and it needs to be recognized whether it is a homosexual or heterosexual couple that is in love.

Whether survivors lost a straight or gay partner/family member on 9/11, their pain is the same, and is shared and recognized by all people who have taken a stand against terrorism. It is a horrible injustification to say that gay people and their survivors should not reeive the same compensations as heterosexuals and illegal aliens (who are not even recognized by this country!!!)

This is an outrage, and I am asking you to take the first step in lifting this dark veil of discrimation by offering the same compensation to all people who lost a partner/family member on that tragic day.

Think about the gay heroes that we all recognize from 9/11. There was the priest who was in the WTC, the brave man who helped bring down the plane that was heading towards our Capitol, and the &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp of the man in the plane who crashed into the Pentagon. A great way you can give thanks to these heroes is to change your policy on compensating people based on their sexual oreintation!

People are people regardless of who they love, and so many people experienced a loss and a grief that should have never happened. It is only fair and humane to compensate all people for the tragedy that happened on 9/11.

I am very upset over this ruling. I am a lesbian and my feelings are deep and real for the woman that I love. No one can tell me that my feelings are not true or do not deserve to be recognized. I am fortunate to have not experienced such a personal loss on 9/11, but my heart goes out to all of those who are crying in the shadows, in the closets, and in the arms of their very small community who understand and respect them. It is difficult enough to be discriminated against every day based on sexual orientation, but this is absurd. It is time that all people who lost someone on 9/11 be recognized and compensated fairly by this country. The USA is supposed to stand above and beyond other countries in being the best place to live. Why don't you help make that true for all people, and not just people who are lucky enough to fit into society as straight people?

Please take a stand against discrimnation as well as terrorism by compensating all people, regardless of their sexual oreintation, and how each state recognizes the partners!

Thank you for your time and consideration in this serious manner,

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000323.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 12, 2024,