September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, December 19, 2001 1:16 PM
Regarding Sept 11 Victim Compensation Fund

Dear Sir,  

I am a British citizen writing to you in connection with the compensation fund set up to aid the families of those who tragically lost their lives in the terrorist attacks of September 11th. I understand that the guidelines regarding exactly who is eligible for compensation will be declared this Friday, and bearing in mind that a significant number of the bereaved are gay and lesbian partners of the victims, or otherwise unmarried partners, I would like to know whether they will benefit from the fund.   The reason for my asking is because I am aware that many gay and lesbian people have applied for relief at the local level, but have not always been successful in obtaining equal treatment with married couples.   New York state has already granted compensation benefits to anyone " interdependence with the victim, in recognition that anyone who shared with the victim living expenses, day to day activities and the emotional bonds of family deserves help in this time of need."  I urge that this principle be respected with the Victim Compensation Fund, and that when allocating benefit to the families of the deceased, the term 'family' will be broad enough to include, for example, gay and lesbian partners, unmarried couples, and adopted family members.   I believe that to do otherwise would amount to an act of arbitrary discrimination against the groups I have mentioned; regardless of the actual marital status or sexual orientation of those involved, the bereavement and the hardship this often brings is the same for each and all, and permitting them equal acccess to the fund is an essential way of maintaining their dignity in this very difficult time.
Thank you very much for your attention to my concerns. I look forward to reading your response.
Yours faithfully,  

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA003299.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 18, 2024,