September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:58 PM
Attention: Attorney General John Ashcroft

RE: September 11 Victim Compensation Fund

Dear Attorney General John Ashcroft and DOJ Staff

Although every patriotic American like me wants to help the victims of this
tragedy we cannot see how unlimited and uncapped funding is a good idea. We
have already made huge donations to organizations and funds for the victims and
their families. Without limits and a cap, people will be demanding much more
than "their fair share".

This is mine, yours, and every American's tax money. Would we have been so
generous helping our fellow Americans if we had known that our tax money would
also be diverted to helping the same people again? Getting paid double for
their loss isn't the American way. Who is to say that any person's loss is not
worth $10,000,000? Without limits and very specific rules I fear that this fund
will become a way for many people to get more money than they ever imagined, and
live only in the past, instead of moving forward with their lives. This is
almost welfare for a specific few people.

As Americans we have already done our part in our donations. I for one will not
even deduct my donation amounts from my taxes. But please, let us not allow
boundless funds to the victims in addition to other funds they may already

Individual Comment
East Stroudsburg, PA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000068.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 18, 2024,