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September 11 Email: Body
Saturday, March 16, 2002 1:37 PM
Compensation for gay & lesbian survivors
My name is      and I am a social worker and psychotherapist in
Nebraska. I am very upset that the 9/11 victims who happened to be gay or
lesbian are not recognized as fully as the heterosexual victims. I write
this because the heterosexual survivors will be compensated for losing their
heterosexual loved one's but the partner of a gay or lesbian 9/11 victim do
not receive that same right to compensation. Please reconsider this because
illegal aliens and unborn babies have more rights to this compensation than a
gay or lesbian partner of a victim. The death of any American heroe should
not be discriminated against basedon race, creed, religious beliefs, or
sexual orientation. The homosexual victim's life is just as equal to the
heterosexual victim. ALL the victims spouses, significant others, and
families mourn the death of their own heroe; thus, please do not ignore the
gay or lesbian individual in grief based on who he or she loved. I do
believe this policy is UnAmerican and an outrage that needs to be corrected
ASAP. Would you deny compensation to those survivors of black, Jewish, or
any other minority victim based on their differences? America would have
just 100 years ago, have we not learned our lesson on hatred? Please honor
all of the 9/11 victims and their survivors by choosing the honorable and
American action of compensating the victims' loved ones, ALL of those they
Individual Comment
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR000921.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,