September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, December 04, 2001 5:36 AM
Please reply - MO. family in crisis

Dear Kenneth,

On Sep.10... business at our travel academy (est.1993) was doing great,
sales were up 12% over the previous year. We had 7 employees and provided a valuable service to the community, the airlines and local travel agencies.

On Sep. 11... our business crashed and burned. During September and
October, almost all students dropped out of travel training classes,
causing unprecidented refund requests and new enrollments came to a standstill.

On the advice of our attorney, we closed the doors to the business last
week. My husband and I have lost our life's work, owe more than $300,000 to creditors and students and are now both home - unemployed. We have a mortgage, 3 children, 1 in College. Our attorney has prepared me for personal bankcruptcy, as I was the President of the corporation and signed most creditor agreements. We're not wealthy people, but we've worked hard, and have some savings, which will most likely be wiped out because of this.

We have been in touch with everybody for assistance, but have not found
anyone who can help us. We understand that the business is gone, but our future, and the hell we will face in the next couple of months because (and as a direct result) of September 11 is agonizing for our entire family. We worked so hard and invested significant personal capital into the business, and now it is all gone.

If you read this, and know of any help or recovery for us, please be in touch.

God Bless,

Individual Comment
Chesterfield, MO

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA000284.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,