September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 2:46 PM
re: charity and awards

I strongly believe that the amount of charity a family has received
should affect the amount of future awards they might be entitled to
receiving from the government. It seems to me to be important to
remember not only the victims and their needs, but to have respect for
those that gave because they could, those that gave when they could have
used it for their own families and those that pay taxes and have no
choice in the matter. I hope that the award funds would be regulated in
some manner so that abuses can be minimized.
The Red Cross had funds available and I understand the need for
immediate assistance, but I think that if a family received a large
amount of money from this or any other charity, that amount should be
taken into account when future award amounts are determined. Perhaps a
figure could be reached as a guideline for that cap. According to the
New York Times, some of the amounts distributed to the families were
more than my yearly salary. I do appreciate the Red Cross and United
Way and other large charities that are available to help in times like
these, but the impression I have gotten since September 11th, is that
they ask few questions, keep few records on how much or how many
different charities these people have received funds from and I hope the
Red Cross is taking into account that the funds they are using are not
the Red Cross' but the money of hundreds of others who want to help that
they are responsible for and would use the money with that
responsibility in mind. I think most people would be disappointed to
discover the possibility that a charity paid for a particular situation,
such as a funeral, a car for transportation, several months of mortgage
payments or rent, and then have the same family receive additional funds
from the government for the same situation.

My opinion only. Good luck in solving this dilemma.

Individual Comment
San Antonio, TX

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000194.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,