September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, March 16, 2002 5:42 PM

It is unamerican to discriminate against gay and
lesbian survivors and families of the 9/11 victims.
We will not stand for it!!!! and what is even more
ridiculous is that illegal aliens and fetuses will be
given compensation but gays and lesbians won't, gays'
and lesbians' compensation will differ because they
are merely gay or lesbian. that is really petty.
aren't we past that? it is outright discrimination!!!
and we are not going to stand for it! so, put you
homophobia aside and have some compassion for human
life! i don't understand how the plan to not include
gays a lesbians in the 9/11 fund (or to limit their
compensation based on sexual orientation) is going to
stop them from being gay/lesbian. gays and lesbians
are going to be gays and lesbians--and human beings
just like the rest of us--no matter what. so what are
you trying to accomplish by being disgustingly cruel,
un-american, and homophobic? this makes me unproud to
be an american. i thought america was better than
that. please, treat family and survivors as human
beings--look past any racial, class, or sexual
orientaion issues--and stop trying to prove a point.
i'd like to leave you with one final thought: we are
all different, and that is the one thing that makes us
all the same.

thank you for your time,
Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001132.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,