September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 22, 2002 9:15 AM
Victims Compensation COMMENTS

Dear Sirs:

I am the parent of of , Brooklyn, NY, who
is still listed as missing at the WTC site.
I have many concerns and reservations as to how the Compensation Act is
written to date.
My overall main concern is - no amount of money could ever compensate for
the loss of my son, but do not insult his memory and all his heroic deeds by
offering such low token amounts for his lifetime's worth and then
collaterally subtract out all the things that he worked for and paid into
such as insurance and pensions. Why should he now be penalized for wanting
to provide for his surviving loved ones?
And second of all, do not fool the public into thinking we're all going to
become millionaires over this, when in fact, after all of the required
collateral items are subtracted out most people would be left with nothing.
Lastly, If our government can send over billions of dollars to Afghanistan,
a country that caused us all this pain and suffering to begin with, do not
make us (United States citizens) quibble with our government over a few
dollars one way or the other.
These are but a few of my major concerns.

Individual Comment
Franklin Square, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002217.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 3, 2024,