September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was watching the Today show in my bedroom and remember thinking "The news is boring today." before turning off the set.

Minutes later, as I was turning on my computer in my home office, I received a call from my aunt to turn on the news.

A plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

I watched the second plane crash into the towers.

My husband David called and told me to grab the animals, get into the car and drive to Vermont. I wouldn't leave without him.

Thankfully, he was working in New Jersey. I was able to be in touch with close friends and family and confirm that we were all safe.

We had some friends who worked in the WTC. One had food poisoning and did not go to work that day. Another was at home waiting for the cable guy.

The rest of the day, I alternated between sitting on my lawn watching plane after plane fly over Manhattan to provide coverage and sitting glued to the tv set.

It was the first time I can truly remember being in a state of complete and utter shock.

David's college friend Doug perished in the attacks. The memorial service was one of the saddest things I have ever attended in my life.

I am now pregnant with my first child. Tomorrow, I will try to think of ways to explain this horrific and unfathomable act to him or her as they grow and wonder why.


“story1985.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 27, 2024,