September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I had just sat down to turn on the news, when my brother called. He said, " Can you believe what just happened?"...I hadn't a clue of what he was refering to. I said, " What are you talking about?". He said" Jesus, aren't you watching T.V.?...We've been attacked! They've flown a plane onto the World Trade Center..." by then, I had turned on the set, just in time to witness the second plane crash into the second tower.....I was in total disbelief...shocked at this horrifying sight. My God, I thought it was a movie. This can't be happening, not here, not in my country.Devastatingly was no movie, it was real.I couldn't contain my heart just totally ached...I thought to myself, " Sweet Jesus...all those people...the mothers, the fathers, dear lord...the children." What kind of monster could have done such a senseless, cruel, uncalled for act of terror? These people, all innocent, all just living their lives...murdered for what? WHY? Because they lived in the United States? Because they were American? Because they had freedom? I just didn't and still can not believe a human being could do such a vile thing to another....
And then, the families started looking for their loved ones...the shock, the looks of loss, the cries, the tears on their heart just broke for them .I wanted to hug them all, wipe their tears away. I wanted so very desperately to find their missing,and return them safely to loving arms.But, heartbreakingly, it was not to be. I still ache for my fellow brothers and sisters, my country, and I know I always will.But, we are strong, we are brave, we are mighty. We will never forget our losses. We will honor them.They will forever be remembered and loved.
America, stand proud, stand strong.


“story7003.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed April 18, 2024,