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911DA Story: Story
On the morning if September 11, my mom was driving me to school and we heard about a plane that had crashed into the World Trade Center my first reaction was what a stupid pilot couldn't he see the World Trade Center? I went to my 9:00 class that day and everything was normal. But by my second class, my Professor told us that we were under attack. My friend Ashly and I were in shock. My mother works at the White House and Ashly's parents work at the Pentagon. I frantically called my mom. I was waiting in line for a pay phone for about half an hour. Finally I got to the pay phone and no answer. I was really scared. So I just went outside to where my dad picks me up in the afternoon and just sat there. About ten minutes later, I saw my mom's van with my dad, my brother, my two sisters and my mom in there. I was so relieved. It had turned out that my mom had taken the day off. My dad and mom had felt the plane that hit the Pentagon and it shook our house. So after that my dad decided to get in the car and pick up my brother, sisters, and I from school. When we got home until the time we went o bed that night the phone was in use non stop. Most of my aunts and uncles work in the government and we were calling to check on them. Likewise, many were callling our house to check on how we were. That was the first day in my entire life that I have seen my dad cry. He was so terrified but also brave when it came time to react. After everything was done and we knew everyone was safe, my dad broke down and cried. The scariest part of the day was thinking that my uncle was supposed to have left to work in the World Trade Center a week before but his palns changed suddenly. September 11 has made me appreciate things in life alot more and value the time I have with those that I love!
“story54.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 27, 2024,