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911DA Story: Story
I was driving home from the store when I first heard of the Twin Towers attack. As I drove into the drive and parked I thought Oh my gosh! I turned the ignition off and ran into the house and found my husband watching the news and as we watched together we saw the second plane hit the Twin Towers. I looked at hubby and said was that a second plane? Moments later my question was answered by the news stating a second plane has hit the second tower.
As the day progressed I cried for those still trapped inside. Finally I couldn't watch anymore. I just held my family(my husband and 4children tight)
I got on the Internet and went into news chatrooms and heard about people jumping out of windows, my heart hurt so bad for the families who were suffering and for those who lost loved ones.
A few months later I wrote a poem called Remember Only Today
It was placed in a collection called America- Voices Coming Together published by Iliad Press and as I understand, it was given to the NYC Police,Firefighters, and libraries.
When the WTC attack anniversary came, I was in church. When they sang "God Bless the USA" I stood up and sang along with the one singing. Everyone else remained seated until my friend Dana came and stood beside me and we sang with tears streaming down our faces. Then the preacher realized what was happening and had the whole congregation stand and sing. I had never felt to be the only Patriotic American before that day but there was one other Patriot there and her name was Dana.
As the day progressed I cried for those still trapped inside. Finally I couldn't watch anymore. I just held my family(my husband and 4children tight)
I got on the Internet and went into news chatrooms and heard about people jumping out of windows, my heart hurt so bad for the families who were suffering and for those who lost loved ones.
A few months later I wrote a poem called Remember Only Today
It was placed in a collection called America- Voices Coming Together published by Iliad Press and as I understand, it was given to the NYC Police,Firefighters, and libraries.
When the WTC attack anniversary came, I was in church. When they sang "God Bless the USA" I stood up and sang along with the one singing. Everyone else remained seated until my friend Dana came and stood beside me and we sang with tears streaming down our faces. Then the preacher realized what was happening and had the whole congregation stand and sing. I had never felt to be the only Patriotic American before that day but there was one other Patriot there and her name was Dana.
“story10293.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,