September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

September 11 started out as a regular and exciting day for me. As always I had to work,but my friend from Germany was supposed to arrive today, and I had waited for that for a very long time.
After I got up, I took care of the three children I watch after. The mom I am babysitting for went out to run some errands and to go to the gym. Around nine-thirty, she gave me a call from the gym and asked me to turn on the TV. She told me that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center in NY City. So I turned it on and was stunned. It looked so unreal and it felt like a movie. The mom soon returned and we could not take our eyes of the TV. The second plane had hit the second towere and the Pentagon was in flames. And then it hit me. What about my friend? Where is she? Did her plane turn around? Are there more attack out of the sky? So I called her dad in Germany, but he was to stunned and could not even give me the airline she was flying with. I tried to get in contact with the people she was supposed to stay, and I learned the airline and flight she was supposed to come in witth. Further enquireies about her were not possible for me to make because the phone lines were bu that time so jamed up that I only got a busy signal. With horror we watched when the towers collapsed and so many lives were lost in a hardbeat. It was so unreal, and it was beyond our understanding how someone could do such a thing. Tears came into our eyes and we had to cry for a long time. My employers husband came home at around noon because they shut down everything, and we were relieved that he was home safely.
Many hours after the first plane hit the tower, I was finally able to find out where my friend was. Her plane was not able to turn around and go back to Germany. Her plane was in Canada, in a place I had never heard of. I was so relieved to find out that she was safe. I also tried to reach my parents in Germany and was able to get through the phone after three p.m. I just had a great need to talk to them and find out that they were o.k. too. My parents were also relieved that I was fine. We talked together for a long time, but nobody was able to really understand what had happened and why. This time it was really hard for me to put down the phone and be seperated from them. I wished I could have been home.
Late at night, I went to bed and tried to go to sleep. That was not that easy. All the images of that day came back in a flash, and it seemed like a movie. It was clear that nothing would be the same again after that day. So many lives were lost, so much destruction took place, and so many hearts were broken. This day will always be in our memories and will never be forgotten.


“story201.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,