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911DA Story: Story
I wish to contribute this on the fifth year anniversary of 9/11. Here we are 5 years down the road and I do not feel like we have adequately responded to the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11/01! We entered IRAQ under false assumptions and I feel that we (the country) were lied to at that time. We were told that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) and that this was why it was urgent for us to get into IRAQ and overthrow S. Hussein and eliminate the threat to OUR security, especially after the attack on the WTCs and the Pentagon. Lo and behold, there were NO WMDs, not even Chemical threats found in IRAQ! Should we have invaded IRAQ? Was S. Hussein a tyrannt? Yes, I believe he was 9a tyrannt) and now we are engaged in attempting to bring stability and order to what we believe is to their benefit, a type of democracy. Is this right? Is this our place to do? Should we be spending all of this money on IRAQ, when we have storm demolished areas of our country that have not been rebuilt? Should we be paying for the establishment of some sort of democracy in IRAQ, while we have starving, underpriveleged, underpaid, uneducated and unemployed legions in the USA? NO! Since we are already there, should we pull out? No, not just all of a sudden, however our politicians, must be held to account for their mistakes and we must be told the truth. Recently our President admitted to CIA camps around the world holding terrorists, which he claims that he did not know were torturing or mistreating their captives. Is this wrong? I believe that it is wrong that he claims that he did not know something, I believe that he did know and is attempting to distance himself from it for political reasons, only. Our country, sadly is in terrible shape, economically! I fear for our children and their children. I believe in GOD and Country and I love the USA and for our history but I feel that the time that we are living through now will go down in history as a dark period in our history and I pray for the grace of GOD and wisdom for our politicians.
“story20560.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 25, 2025,