September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was sitting there studing for the upcoming test. that was the only thing i was worried about. All of a sudden a teacher who was crying ran by and told my teacher to turn on the tv. She said the world trade center was attacked. I clearly remeber the white expressiion on my teachers face as she turned on the tv to see the horrific site of the World Trade Center in smoke. All thoughts of my test vanished and thoughts of fear and astonishment entered my mind. How could this happen?! Why would this happen?! WHAT HAPPENED??!! I was stunned by it all. Throughout morning classes the tv was left on. Teachers tried to go on eith the normal schedule but evidentially everyones' attention was on what was happening in Ney York. As news of the other planes hitting came, tears broke out in class. It was an awful gloomy day. The most vivid image in my mind was in 3rd period. The horror of the first tower crumpling. Time stopped as the tower slowly crumpled to the ground. I wasn't sure if time would ever start up agian. Throughout the day anguish turned to fear, fear turned to rage. Why would anyone want to so this? Who would send people in a plane to take their life and the lives of many innocents? As new details came into light, i was enraged by seeing the people of Alfganitstan cheering, celebrating in the streets over the tragedy in America. The brave fireman, risking their lives some giving them up, to save the lives of innocents in the buildings. The inages of seeing people actually dive out of the towers windows out of desparation. And the fact that these people condome this is astonishing to me. Seeing this onl stenghthed me. Seeing the faces of those celebrating, only made me wioe the tears from my face. I was not going to give them the satisfaction of my suffering and fear. I knew that the reason why they took such drastic measures was because they envied us. They envied our country, our unity, our freedoms. I was going to stand up and be proud. Everywhere people stood up with new courage and new feeling of nationalism. We were not going to stand for this. We were not going to let this destroy our country. United we stand.


“story8116.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,