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911DA Story: Story
I was reading my bible and had a local channel on the tv and then i seen the events. I cried with all my heart and soul feeling this tradadgy. I was in total shock as the planes flew into the towers and even more as the towers fell. I am a certified wildland firefighter and i cried for days after. I am truely sorry for the loss of life and all the families who lost loved ones & close friends. I wish i could have the blessing to say to each and every one who lost someone that i am truely sorry and give you all a hug. I will always remeber sept 11th for all of my days to come. I have not stopped praying for everyone ever since and i will always try to keep sept 11th alive in my home and share with all the loss of life that had happened. to let all know that they are now in a place where there is no pain and suffering even though it was not their time to go to heaven. My name is Brandon Rogers and i as a firefighter miss all the firefighters, officers, emergency crews and all that was lost on that day.
“story2995.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,