September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I grew up in New Jersey and one of the things I will always remember is being able to look out the window and see the magnifcient New York skyline, with the World Trade Center buildings standing so proud and tall.
I was at home on September 11, 2001, when I received a phone call telling me that the first tower was burning. At first I thought that it was a joke, but then rushed to turn on the news. I was horrified by what I saw. Not only was the first tower burning, they were showing footage of the second tower being hit by a jet. Shocked and not sure exactly what it was I was watching, I sat down glued to the television.
A short time later I watched the first tower crumble to the ground. I cried for the poor souls who were still in the building, knowing that there was no way a person could survive. I cried for our country as it became apparent we were under attack from an unspeakable evil. I cried for the people at the Pentagon and the passengers on flight 93. I knew that things would never be the same again.
Through all this I was trying to call my daughter. She had just married a Marine two months before and I feared for her safety on the base they are stationed at. I wanted her home with me, along with the rest of the members of my family. I feared for my new son-in-laws life, knowing that he may just have to give his life for his country.
After watching the news all day and night the events that happened that day still didn't make sense. The loss of so many innocent people. I will never forget the sights and sounds I witnessed that day. I will never forget the fear and anger I felt. I take comfort in the fact that evil did not win that day. Our country became more united then ever before. And a year later I witnessed that our country was still united. Evil will never win a fight with goodness.


“story7161.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,