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911DA Story: Story
On the morning of September 11, 2001, I had a normal day. It was a beautiful day. I went to work, thinking it was going to be a great. I am a teacher, and I was teaching sixth grade. I was on my planning period when I heard that the World Trade Center has been hit. Someone in the office had told me. I want back to my classroom, but before I got there I want into another teacher's classroom, and told her what had happened. She already knew because she had her tv on. We were talking, and I told her that I did not want to raise my baby in this world (I had four weeks to go in my pregnancy.) She knew how I felt because I want the best for my daughter. I finally went back into my classroom, and I still had time to call my husband at work to see if he heard what happened. Then it was time for my planning period to end. It was time my class to come in. Right before the period ended, the principal came on the PA and told all of us to lock our doors. Because our school is very close to Fort Bragg. We had to stay in the building when we took our students to lunch, and many parents come to the school to check-out their children. Many of the students at our school are military. As the day went on everyone was just going on with their lives. When I got home from work, my neighbor came out, and I asked how she was doing. She was getting to get out of the military, and she was afraid that she would not be able to get out because of this horrible day. I did not hear about the plane that crashed in PA until I got home. I started to think of my family back in PA. My parents and sister lives an hour away from where the plane went down. I talked to my mom that day because she was worried about us, and she told me that my sister had to stay at her job, while the rest of Pittsburgh went home. I will always remember this day. Everyone who lost someone on this day are always in my thoughts in prayers. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
“story5316.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,