September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I remember September 11th, 2001 very well. It was about 9:30 am and I was sitting in my Middle Eastern Studies class. We had been discussing all of the horrible things that were going on in the Middle East for days. All of a sudden some kid came running into our classroom screaming, "Something's going on in New York, something terrible!" My teacher turned on the television and sure enough, it was terrible. We all watched the news in awe. No one said even a word for the rest of the hour and a half class time. We just shook our heads in disbelief. I remember leaving my class and crying all the way home. I called my fiance to tell him about what had happened (because he was still in bed). I couldn't even talk to him about it. I just said, "turn the TV to NBC." The rest of the day I just moped around wondering if it was ever going to end. One attack after another. My friend was frantic calling her aunt in Washington, D.C. Her uncle was stationed at the Pentagon and no one had heard from him for hours. Needless to say, he didn't make it out. Yes, here in the heart of Illinois, we have been deeply affected by this tragedy. No one has any right to terrorize a country that represents freedom and acceptance for all races and religions. This is unbelievable and something that NO ONE will ever, ever forget. I still cry when I hear patriotic songs, poems, or anything remotely related to the September 11th tragedy. I am horrified to be part of the generation that has to see so much terrorism, yet privilaged to be a part of this unified, patriotic, free spirit that has uplifted us all.


“story8436.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,