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911DA Story: Story
On The morning of September 11, 2001. I was standing at the
bus stop with my Son, Daughter and Nephew. As we were waiting
for the bus to arrive we saw a United Airlines plane flying
extremely low above our house. My Nephew loves airplanes so I
pointed it out to Him and the other children. " Look at the Airplane",
I exclaimed. We were all staring at it and talking about how low
it was flying. " Wow, I said I hope it's not in trouble" !
about 5 minutes later my children got on the bus and my Nephew and I
returned into the house. As soon as we got in the door my mother called
and said; " Jennifer, get up here and look at this an airplane crashed
into one of the twin towers" We ran up to my mother's house and were
watching it on T.V. Then all of a sudden we saw another explosion.
" Oh, God... I said, Mom this isn't an accident". We watched for a
few more minutes, I was shaking I couldn't believe it. Who would do
such a horrible thing. Then we started seeing how an airplane crashed
into the pentagon and how another had crashed into Pennsylvania and
heard the rumors that it was potentially headed for the White House.
I panicked. I told my mom to watch Tyler (my nephew) as I went to
the various schools that my Children and my Niece were at
picking them up one by one. I brought them all to my home where as
I suppose anyone would, I felt we were the safest. I didn't tell my
children until I we got home what happened, Telling them was one of
the hardest things to do. How do you explain something like that to
your family and still make them feel safe? It's impossible. When I
told them what happened we all just started crying, you feel like
you've been violated, There's anger and helplessness, not to
mention the fear. My daughter completely panicked because her best
friends Father worked in the towers and she couldn't get through
to see if he was o.k. Two of my co-worker's ( a mother/ daughter)
lost their (husband/ father) in the WTC. Waiting to hear rather
or not he got out was pure agony. The feeling of helplessness
was unbearable. Then There's the fear that we all felt. My family
dosen't live far from stewart Airport in Orange County so airplanes
fly over our house all the time. Everytime (even to this day) when
one goes over our home, My children come running in to me and I have
to try and reassure them that it's o.k. I tell them that the good
guys are up there watching over us and that I doubt
anything like that horrible day will ever happen again.
I pray that none of the future generations will ever have to see anything
like this generation has.
“story6452.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,