September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

When I first heard the tragic news I thought that this was not an act of terror, but a flying mishap. Upon discovering the reason for the attacks I was immediately outraged. Such a historical peace of New York and United States history was gone. I watched the tv and the mintues seemed like hours and the hours seemed like days. Is this really happening? Everyone asked themselves this question, and many could not cope with the realization that the world trade center was gone. I was so upset for the families of the firefighters and policeman. Their deaths helped me to realize one thing, that they are the true heroes. I always had looked up to athletes and other hollywood type stars. It is the fireman and policeman that make the difference. Had it not been for their amazing courage many more people would have died that day. I have an even greater respect for their job and what they do everyday.
This is a day that will live in infamy, these were famous words that were spoken by F.D.R. 9/11 is a day that will more than live in infamy, it will be forever embedded in the hearts and souls of Americans for many years to come. One thing I would like to say to the terrorists is that they did succeed in changing the United States. They made it stronger.


“story2379.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,