September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It was a morning like many others. It was 8:30am, and i could tell, it was starting out to be a beautiful day. I put on the coffee, grabbed the paper from the day before, and sat down in front of the tv to start my day. gotta have my news.
I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see. I have direct tv, and my abc, cbs, nbc and fox, come out of New York. No sooner Had I turned on my TV, there was a news break. Plane hits WTC....I couldn't believe what i was seeing. How could a pilot be so stupid, I asked myself. Like he didn't see them comming! I watched in disbelief, fire comming from what seemd to be about 10 story's. Those poor people. They didn't even know what hit them.
All I kept thinking was, that stupid ass pilot. What was he, drunk or something. How do you just slam into a building? i hope they sue the hell out of that airline.
Then the unthinkable happened. Another plane, hit the other tower! As i watched the clip, i new this was no accident. My heart felt like it was going to pop right out of my chest. For the first time in my life, i felt scared. How could somethig like this happen. This is the United States of America! Who could be so stupid?
I watched in horror as the events unfolded. Seeing people jump to their death. GOD help us! All of those people in those building! I knew there was no way for all of them to get out. Now, my heart was in my throat. I couldn't swallow or nothing. I went into shock...
By this time, they were telling us about the people in the planes. How they must of felt, seeing those buildings headed their way. Suddenly, my eyes started to swell, and the tears started flowing. Uncontrolably, i sat and cried. Something I hadn't done since I lost my dad to cancer in 1991.
Now, anger was setting in. Kill all of the bastards. Whipe them right off the map. Cowards. Face us like men. I couldn't believe how I was feeling. I have always been a loving person. I didn't know what hate was. Saddly, I do now. Please lord, forgive me.


“story6032.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,