September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Where were you and what were you doing on September 11, 2001? I remember only when the second plane flew into the second tower of the world trade center. I remember feeling the pain(of labor) and the abandenment(of the staff) wich led me to feel selfish. In New York everyone was in a panic trying to find loved ones, while I laid in a hospital bed giving birth to my third child.
Camron Joseph was born at Sparrow Hospital on September 11,2001 just shortly after 4p.m. I was watching Jane Clayson and Bryant Gumble when a terrified New Yorker called the morning showand told them that there was a plane that flew into one of the towers at the World Trade Center, when I seen the second plane hit the other tower I knew we were being attacked by terrorist. I fely as if I did'nt want to have this baby anymore. I did'nt want to bring him into a world of chaos and war. I did'nt know what was going to happen next, and if anything, where?Our Capitol was just down thw street from the hospital. I kept looking out my window to see if it was still standing. It felt like only seconds had past when the first tower came tumbling down, and then, the other one. After all that the nurses and doctors kept coming in and out of my room. But they were'nt checking on me, they just came to watch the T.V. i finally turned it off while a nurse was still watching it. I did'nt mean to be selfish, but I needed my epidural. The nurse was spending all her time watching T.V instead of calling the anesthesiaolgist. I know it was a tragic day but the world did not stop turning. As American citizins we all had to pull together, especially the health care profession. Thats why I give praise to all the nurses, doctors, surgeons and volunteers who worked together to help the victims and the victims families. Do you know that saying "For every death a life is given?" Needless to say, thousands of babies were born that day. I'm just glad God sent me my precious gift a few days early!
This September 11th I will not only be lighting Camron's first birthday candle, but another candle to remember all those who we lost. And my prayers and love go to the families who lost a loved one/ones.
Becky Covert


“story1832.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,