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911DA Story: Story
I was sitting at my desk when all of a sudden my coworker said the World Trade Center and been hit by a plane. My immediate reaction was the World Trade Center in downtown Norfolk, Virgina (about 15 minutes away and also where my co-workers husband works). My immediate reaction was how in the world did that happen and what size plane was it. Kelly, my co-worker told me to log on the internet. I went to MSNBC and saw a picture of the building. I sat stunned not realizing right a away that this was the Twin Tower building in New York. It took me a few seconds to say to myself, "Hey this is not Norfolk, the building is way to too tall." I went upstairs to our Conference Room where it seemed everyone had gathered. A few minutes later the second plane hit the other Tower. I think you could have heard a pin drop at that moment. They let us go home to be with our family. I'll never forget the drive home. Everyone seemed to have the same look on their face. A look of despair, a look of utter sadness. I picked up my son from the sitter and went home where I immediately turned from channel to channel while I waited for my husband to get home. I was remined how easily we take our lives for granted and how precious our friends and families are to us. My son, who was almost three at the time made me smile and and laugh during a day that was tragic. Even at the innocent age of three, he understood something was terribly wrong but it was his innocence and warmth that gave me hope that dark day. In the days, weeks and months to follow, our family grew closer and Christmas was more special that day. My husband and I grew very close which led to the birth of our new son Garrett in June 2002. I think our lives will be forever changed. We will never look at an airplane the same way again and we will certainly never take our freedom for granted. In closing I would like to say that we need to love like we've never loved before, pray for our country and never take each other for granted. Take time to enjoy the simple things in life for in an instant it can all be gone.
“story3401.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 9, 2025,