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911DA Story: Story
My name is Carolyn Beier - I live in Westminster, Colorado. On the morning of Sept 11, 2001 I was at work answering phones and places concrete orders for jobs. I work for New Design Construction in Denver, Colorado. I had my radio on like I always do and then I heard something about a plane crashing into a building on New York City. I stopped what I was doing to turn the sound up thinking what I had heard was a mistake and then the mechanics can in saying they heard that an airplane crashed into one of the World Trade Center buildings. I call a friend in the other building and told her about it. She turned on the TV in her office and said it was on the tv. I just couldn't believe it. Then we heard that another place crashed into the other World Trade Center building. Then a third plane crashed and then a fourth plane crashed.
I started thinking about my family and how I wish I was with them. I have only one son and he is married and I wanted to be with him so much. My husband was driving a truck for Martinez Trucking hauling rock and I wanted to get in touch with him, but I couldn't {he doesn't carry a cellphone}. The rest of the day all I wanted was to be with my husband, son and daugther-in-law. They are the only family that I have. Then I thought of the families in New York City who just lost part if not all of the family in just a second or two. I just couldn't believe that America was being attacked.
I have prayed so much since Sept 11, 2001 for all the families and my family. I am a Native American Indian {Choctaw Tribe}and what happen last year has left an empty spot in me. It is really hard to descibe. Being Native American - having things and rights taken away when you are adopted from your tribe and seeing the World Trade Center gone makes me feel violated. I cherish my Heritage, my country and my freemdom and the to have terroist's come in and destory our country, families, freedom makes me mad, angry, and SAD. I love my FAMILY, COUNTRY, and MY FREEDOM.
Carolyn L. Beier
Westminster, Colorado
I started thinking about my family and how I wish I was with them. I have only one son and he is married and I wanted to be with him so much. My husband was driving a truck for Martinez Trucking hauling rock and I wanted to get in touch with him, but I couldn't {he doesn't carry a cellphone}. The rest of the day all I wanted was to be with my husband, son and daugther-in-law. They are the only family that I have. Then I thought of the families in New York City who just lost part if not all of the family in just a second or two. I just couldn't believe that America was being attacked.
I have prayed so much since Sept 11, 2001 for all the families and my family. I am a Native American Indian {Choctaw Tribe}and what happen last year has left an empty spot in me. It is really hard to descibe. Being Native American - having things and rights taken away when you are adopted from your tribe and seeing the World Trade Center gone makes me feel violated. I cherish my Heritage, my country and my freemdom and the to have terroist's come in and destory our country, families, freedom makes me mad, angry, and SAD. I love my FAMILY, COUNTRY, and MY FREEDOM.
Carolyn L. Beier
Westminster, Colorado
“story3297.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,