September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Remembering September Eleventh

On the morning of 9/11 it was just the beginning of another long day of work. Nothing exciting ever happens, not even with the football team. I was late to Algebra, but my teacher wasn?t in the room so I got lucky that morning. Ready to go and full of energy, while her mouth moves a mile a minute about her weekend?s excitement, my teacher began class. She always tried so hard to make math interesting, but no matter how hard she tried, I think math will always be the subject where you look at the clock every three seconds or so to see how much time you have to kill. So after an hour and a half of total brain warping, I went to my best friends locker, where we meet every day at break. After the shortest twenty minutes of my life flies by fourth period, my most favorite class awaits my glorious presence.

Upon all of my classmates? and my arrival, instead of explaining our agenda my fourth period teacher went on by saying?? I don?t know what you all have heard, but supposedly planes crashed into the Pentagon, and World Trade Center, but I don?t know any more than that?? Seeing how we did not have a TV in our room we all gave one second of a thought about it and went right to work. As the class went on more and more students from my class were being taken out of class to go home, that is when the tension started. A brief time later, Dr. Smith came on the loudspeaker. At that moment is when things in the school lost control and went into panic mode. Girls started crying, teachers babbling about stuff that makes no sense, to take our minds off of it, and people staring into space with blank faces, and all you could do was wonder, because nothing was for certain yet. And after the announcement fifth period came all too quickly. My teacher wanted to get her lesson about childbirth done all in one class period, but with a class of all girls that have an awesome teen attitude or get emotional about a pencil breaking, it was hard for anyone to concentrate. Finally we convinced her to let us watch the news, because our excuse that hit the spot was ??in thirty years when we tell our children we were stuck in fifth period learning about how to birth a child when the country was having a national crisis and our teacher wouldn?t even let us watch the news for five minutes!!? After that remark from a special senior in my class my teacher had to give in so we went next door to the cooking classes and watched in disbelief as the most massive buildings in the world were damaged in a way that cannot be described.

At first I was really immature and in all my writings in English about the attacks. I would make up huge fantasies about a world war three that would wipe out the world and how aliens would come and inhibit the earth, but I was so tired of writing the same things and being asked the same questions over and over again. We have had bloodier wars than this attack. I think it is great that the pride factor has been raised since then, but to me it is not a huge part of my life. Maybe it is because nothing happened to my family personally, I do not know, but there could be worse things. But until anything worse happens people need to live life like they used to and be thankful that they live in a wonderful country that will take care of them.


“story7792.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,