September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I wasnt in New York City, Pentagon, or Shanksville. It was picture day. And I was about to get my picture. I forgot my money so I had to call my dad. Then when I was waiting in line to get my pic taken. It happened. I didnt know what was going on. I didnt see the first plane crash but I saw some re runs. When Linda announced it over the innercom I thought it was an accident. I never knew about Osama and that he's a terrorist. I ran down the hall into the CBE room thats where everyone was from my grade. I sat down near my Gym teacher. I then saw the first tower fall. I remember some people crying. Then I ran back cause I had to get my pic taken. I did it really fast so I could see what was going on. I was so surprised. Then I found out that they were terrorists. I was like "Why is this happening to our county?!" This is something I will NEVER forget! I remeber exactly what I was wearing and what I was doing and I remember EVERYTHING! I came home I felt sick to my stomache because I thought were all going to die or something. I thought it was the end of the world. Then I heard my mom say that my brother might have to go to war. I started crying and panicing. My brother was really panicing. He had a panic attack those few months. Then I thought we were going to run out of money. Since there was going to be a war. And gas prices going up. I watched the 9/11 special on tv 6 months ago(todays date:9/11/02) I started sobbing my eyes out. Especially when I saw the people fall. And just hearing them fall. I saw a picture today. And it had a man falling. I was shocked to see it actually up close. I probably will cry when I watched tonights. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!


“story2106.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,