September 11 Digital Archive

Are the democrats tricking or treating?


Are the democrats tricking or treating?



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No group is more loyal to the Democrats than the descendants of enslaved Africans. No individuals ha

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Are the democrats tricking or treating?

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Alton H. Maddox Jr.

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Amsterdam News

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No group is more loyal to the Democrats than the descendants of enslaved Africans. No individuals have been more loyal to the Democrats than Carl McCall and Ron Kirk. Yet, both black men are now in fights for their political lives as unwitting fall guys.

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No group is more loyal to the Democrats than the descendants of enslaved Africans. No individuals have been more loyal to the Democrats than Carl McCall and Ron Kirk. Yet, both black men are now in fights for their political lives as unwitting fall guys.

They have obviously been set up through an agreement between the Republicans and Democrats, who are also depriving them of meaningful campaign funds to wage meaningful political campaigns.

Kirk, who is the former mayor of Dallas, is challenging John Cornyn, Texas state attorney general, to succeed retiring Sen. Phil Gramm. McCall, on the other hand, is challenging the incumbent Gov. George Pataki. While Democrats have shortchanged both Kirk and McCall, Texas Democrats have been more generous to Kirk than Democrats in New York have been to McCall.

In other words, blacks are faring better, politically, in the old Confederacy, even though white Democrats nationwide still prefer a white Republican over a black Democrat in a key executive or legislative position.

This country us without a black governor or U.S. senator, even though about one of every six citizens in this county is black. With fewer numbers, for examples, Jews, Asians and Indians are nonetheless represented in the U.S. Senate.

This country is a one-party system with two wings. It functions like the sniping duo that is currently terrorizing the D.C. area. The Democrats represent the sniper, and the Republicans formulate policies like welfare reform, tougher law-and-order mandates and empowerment zones, while Democrats execute these policies. The casualties are Democratic loyalists.

After Mark Green played the race card in the 2001 mayoral campaign in New York City, with the blessings of Democratic handlers, which caused many blacks and Latinos to either boycott the general election or become crossover voters, McCall, Fernando Ferrer and the Rev. Al Sharpton should have instinctively led historically oppressed groups off the Democratic plantation. They failed, and now history is once again repeating itself. There must be an insult level; otherwise, political prostitution will become contagious.

A political cartel in Albany has disenfranchised all voters in New York. The problem in New York far exceeds that in Florida, where only felons are permanently disenfranchised, in addition to members of historically oppressed groups. Although scores of people are elected biannually to the New York State Senate and Assembly, only three votes count on all policy questions in the statethose of Gov. George Pataki, Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.

This illegal political arrangement prompted Town of Union Supervisor John Cheevers to sue the Legislature and its spoils system, which systematically engages in insider trading to secure legislative votes for Bruno and Silver in exchange for committee assignments to individual legislators. This political machination increases legislators paychecks and gives them more patronage through staff hirings. The state attorney general zealously opposed the lawsuit and, in effect, successfully argued that while insider trading is illegal on Wall Street, it is just fine for Albany.

A cartel is the weapon of mass destruction in organized crime. It reduces infighting and turf wars, concomitantly reducing the cost of doing business. A cartel also works well in politics to achieve illegal aims.

In statewide elections, Republicans and Democrats have already decided that Pataki will defeat McCall. In politics, you must pay to play. If you have nothing going into a casino, you will come out empty-handed. Hopefully, McCall, Ferrer and Sharpton will wise up.

Alan Hevesi will be the next state comptroller. His political opponent in unranked. This is a no-no in boxing. Eliot Spitzer will retain his post as state attorney general through this same civil rights conspiracy. His opponent is not only unranked, but also unknown. Pataki introduced the Republican candidate for state attorney general as a member of New Yorks highest court, the Court of Appeals. In fact, the Republican candidate is a Court of Claims judge.

By the way, her name is Dora L. Irizary. Like McCall, she is a sacrificial lamb. It is Patakis notion of throwing a bone to Latinos. With no war chest, she has no shot at unseating Spitzer. When all the votes are counted on Nov. 5, only white men will be jumping politically. Basketball is entertainment. Politics, on the other hand, addresses bread-and-butter or life-and-death issues. This is the difference between a trick and a treat.

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“Are the democrats tricking or treating?,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 25, 2025,