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911DA Story: Story
It was just the beginning of my anatomy and physiology class at a local community college. All of a sudden, a man that worked in the cashier's office burst through the door. He said that there had been an attack on the pentagon. We all got real quiet. I remember he said something about an air plane, and then he left and went to the next class room. We all just looked at each other for a minute. Someone got up and tried to turn on the television, but we didn't have a cable hook up in the room, so we went next door where we had a radio. We all went next door and sat on the table tops all around the radio. Someone turned the radio on to one of the a.m. stations. Then we heard about the plane that hit the world trade center. And then we heard about the second one. I remember that I was trying to keep from crying. Everyone was just so quiet. And then they said that one of the towers had collapsed. I don't know how long we stayed in that room, but we went back to the classroom next door. She said that we could go home if we wanted, she was going to do a quick review (we had a test the next week)and then she was going to leave. Two girls left, they had family in that area and they were really shaken. I remember her leading us in a moment of silence/prayer before they left. We did the review and we left. On the way home, I turned it to a news station and heard about the plane that went down in a small town in Pennsylvania. At that point I almost lost it. They didn't say what town, and I was freaking out. My mom lives in a small town in Pennsylvania. I was just trying to hold myself together on that long 45-minute drive home. When I got home my grandmother had the t.v. on, and I saw what it all looked like for the first time. It was horrible, all the black smoke, the people covered in ash, the people inside the buildings that would never come out. And I watched as the second tower collapsed. At some point, my uncle had come in and he was sitting there quite, watching it all, tears coming down his face. I remember being so relieved when they announced the name of the town in Pennsylvanina. It wasn't where my mom lived. The rest of the day went by in a blur. Everyone was afriad of what would happen next. Where the next strike would be. The news kept coming. I remember watching the masses of people walking across the bridge to get out of the city. The President speaking; the Vice-President being hidden away in a cave somewhere; and the media telling every move that the President made that day. I don't remeber much else from that awful day. I don't remember eating, getting a shower, or even going to bed. I just remember watching t.v. for the rest of the day, scared of what would come next, and crying.
“story7523.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,