September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I went to work that morning, it was early. I was standing in front of my building in Midtown, talking to a coworker when a man approached us and said, "Haven't you heard, a plane just flew into the World Trade Center". We looked at each other a moment and then went on discussing the days work ahead. I remember being in a state of shock, I didn't even process what the man had said at first. We got inside and listened to the radio, it was true. I remember being frightened- the first Building, then the second, then reports of an attack in Washington- people were running up the streets and a black cloud filled the air. The trains were closed, and I wondered where I would go... my boyfriend was in CA. I had no family around me. I felt scared and alone. We waited in the building as reports that surrounding buildings were closed down. People were walking back to their homes on foot- Later that evening the trains opened back up. I was on the first "F" train heading back to Brooklyn. The train was so packed full of people that you couldn't move, (it looked quite like the pictures of the trainloads of people during the Holocaust)but even with that overload, there was a disturbing silence. We didn't know if that track would be affected by the collapse of the Trade Center. Every noise we heard, was listened to in anticipation of the worst. I finally made it to my stop. I felt drained. I hadn't eaten all didn't seem important. I walked in a trance-like state, as did everyone. Did it all really happen? I walked to my apartment, opened the door and went straight to the TV. They played the crash again and again. You could see the people jumping out of windows of the building- crowds of people running through the streets in terror... I watched all night, and only stopped when trying to reach my boyfriend in CA. My calls wouldn't go through. They had limited the access so people who might be buried in the disaster could try to get through and let someone know they were alive... I was finally able to get in touch with my family. I didn't stay on long- I didn't want to tie up the line. They were able to let my boyfriend know I was o.k.
I finally tried to sleep- every noise I heard made me jump. I felt so alone. I ached to hold my loved ones in my arms. You could hear the airplanes flying overhead- a nightwatch. The day after I painted pictures of what I was watching and then put them away. (I still have a hard time looking back at them.) Just passing the time was an effort. Everyday normalities seemed menial. I didn't reunite with my boyfriend until a week later as no flights were allowed through. Luckily, no one I knew was hurt, out of the thousands that were killed and now...remembered.


“story4071.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,