Traced through the 'Net Title Traced through the 'Net Source born-digital Media Type article Created by Author yes Described by Author no Date Entered 2002-05-29 VTMBH Article: Edition 22 VTMBH Article: Article Order 2 VTMBH Article: Title Traced through the 'Net VTMBH Article: Author VTMBH Article: Publication El Sol News VTMBH Article: Original Language Spanish VTMBH Article: Translator Maria Bonilla VTMBH Article: Section edits VTMBH Article: Blurb VTMBH Article: Keywords VTMBH Article: Body In the upper left, Attorney General John Ashcroft says, Hey! Call me 'spider.' The person caught in the web is labeled foreign students. In the right hand corner, the description reads, internet tracing system. VTMBH Article: Line Breaks 1 VTMBH Article: Date 2002-05-29 VTMBH Article: Thumb v22edit2thumbnail.jpg VTMBH Article: Article File VTMBH Article: Hit Count 136 Collection "Voices That Must Be Heard" Articles Citation “Traced through the 'Net,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025, Output Formats atom csv dc-rdf dcmes-xml json omeka-xml ← Previous Item Next Item →