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911DA Story: Story
I had just finished getting dressed in my running attire, and was in the process of getting my almost 5 year old girl ready for preschool, and my 2-year old twin girls ready for daycare when my husband called me from work and told me that we have been attacked and to turn on the TV. I thought he was joking, but immediately turned on the TV just as the first tower was collapsing. I couldn't beleive it! My husband and I visited NYC was when I was 6 months pregnant with my 5 year old. I had been to NYC many times when I was young, but 5 years ago was the first time I had been in the WTC. As I sat on the Bed with my 5 year old I cried, she asked me why are you crying mommy? I tried to explain what happened so as not to scare her, but help her understand. I told her many people have lost their lives, and have gone to heaven. She looked at me and said its ok mommy they are now with god and god does make new people everyday. I knew she didn't fully understand, but it didn't matter, she's only 5 and when she get's older she will. We didn't have an American flag, thought I had been planning on getting one. I drove around for hours that day looking for a flag to no avail. So my daughter and I made one. It hung on our window for the whole year. I had to take it down but will save it forever to show her what we did to show our LOVE for AMERICA and that WE will NEVER FORGET!!! I had just quit work a month before to take care of my girls. If I hadn't done it before 9-11 I would have done so afterwards. I realized how important it is to spend time with loved ones, for we never know how long we have together. One year has passed I had plans to visit the Here is NY photography exhibit from 911, but my daughter ended up getting her hand smashed in the car door when I was dropping her off at Kindergarten. So I ended up spending the morning at the Dr.s office with her instead. For the past year (and more so the last few days) I have been thinking about the wives who lost their husbands, the children who lost a parent. But my daughter's accident reminded me though it is important to remember what has happened it is more important to live today and spend every moment you can with the one's you love!!!
“story5913.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,