September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I can't begin to explain the emotions I felt as I heard the reports of the tragedy that unfolded in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania on that devastating day. I listen to the radio as I work and could not believe that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I informed my co-workers what had happened and thought how bizarre for a passenger plane to crash into a building. When the second plane hit I knew this was not a mere coincidence, we were under attack. As the day evolved and so many more innocent lives were lost, the reality set in. I knew something had happened that would forever change the way we view our existence and our loved ones. The following writings are just a part of how I tried to focus my attention during that time. My heart goes out to all the people that lost loved ones during or after that day that will forever be etched in our memories.
Mike Spainhour
Parkersburg, WV
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd better drop you a note and let you know that we have decided not to follow through on the cruise for Mom and Dad. We hope and pray that in the future we can continue that idea, but the events of the past 2 days and the uncertainty of upcoming events have influenced our decision.
The plans are still underway for the party and we will try to make it a fun event for all. It is scheduled for September 29th, 2:00-5:00pm, at the Ripley Volunteer Fire Department. I will keep you informed if any changes need to be made.
I'm sure that everyone feels the hurt caused by the loss of life and disruption of families that has occurred. Keep all the humanity involved in your thoughts, prayers and actions. We are strong, we are survivors, and we will continue.

Love, Mike and Cindy
Dear Family,
This message is only going to you. I can't quit thinking about all the kids that are suddenly without a mother or father. I truly feel sorrow with those who have lost loved ones due to these senseless and meaningless actions. I listened to President Bush's talk tonight and wonder about those in the world our actions will affect. In the same thought we can no longer accept disruptive, abusive and harmful actions to be accomplished upon innocents.
I'm sending the following prayer to all of you, because it has helped me through some difficult times. To be honest, all parts of it are hard to accept at the moment. Its overall meaning is for less traumatic times and offers a glimpse of the way all people should act.

Prayer of St. Francis
Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is hatred let me bring your love;
Where there is injury ? your pardon, Lord;
And where there's doubt, true faith in you.

Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace.
Where there is despair in life let me bring hope;
Where there is darkness, only light;
And where there's sadness, ever joy.

Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love with all my soul.

Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all men that we receive;
And in dying that we're born to eternal life.

Oh, Master, grant that I may never seek
So much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved, as to love with all my soul.
Thursday, September 13, 2001
Dear friends,
The attack upon the way of life within our nation has left all people that respect life, with a deep hurt and a strong sense of anger. This anger needs to be directed toward the perpetrators of these horrific and cowardly acts of extreme malice toward mankind. The whole world is involved in this terrible loss of life and liberty. We as a global community are challenged to overcome these dissidents of normal life. You can find evidence of non-humanistic practices anywhere in the world. Our mission as humanity should be to make it impossible for these malcontents to inflict harm upon their neighbors. All we can do as citizens is to put trustworthy persons in position to make decisions that will assure benefit to all people who live normal lives. Any acts of vigilante justice should be discouraged, based upon the history of these actions.
To all the human service personnel involved in the rescue efforts in New York and Washington, DC, our thoughts and prayers are with you. To the families and friends of the casualties of these disasters we can only offer our deepest sympathy. We do as a nation, and as a civilization, promise to persevere in the investigation and punishment of those responsible for this outrage.
My family roots extend to 1740, when my ancestors boarded the ship "Friendship" commanded by Captain William Vettery, from Rotterdam. Swiss in ancestry, born and bred American, I am committed to equal justice for all. Let us as a nation and as a citizen of the human race continue toward limiting future acts of destruction upon our citizens.
Please know my intent is not to focus attention, but rather to get all of we, as members of the world, to understand things have changed forever.
Keep those close to you, as safe as you can, informed as to the differences in people, and knowing you love them and will do your best to protect them.

Sincerely, Mike Spainhour
Through the Ashes of Destruction

As a human race we are poised at the threshold of the continuance of our civilization upon the earth. We have taken a firm stance against the injustice dictated on the inhabitants of those less fortunate. To maintain and further the development of the peoples involved in the current conflict is an admirable objective.
We cannot overlook the beliefs that people hold, in their pursuit of "The Almighty", the one true God that all profess to believe in. To all that truly believe in the one true God, be assured that his will be proved in the current conflict. One cannot profess to be a follower of God and take human rights and lives' in vain.
In Afghanistan many rights have been taken from the citizens. The rights of all individuals have been pressed to the breaking point. There has been so much suppression of the human endeavor that outbreaks of individual expression should be expected. While this should be considered as a release of pent up frustrations, acts of brutality need to be halted.
For too long people have professed to be followers of God's teachings and have failed to show that in action.
The true love of God is within us all as we are all part of the family he created to carry out his will.
How we carry out this charge is of our own free will and within his making. To hold the life he has granted to his children is the most important thing we can try to protect.
What We Are Here For

We are brought onto this earth for one purpose, to do the best we can in every task we undertake. That task sometimes is not clear to us as we go through our lives. We can only strive to serve others and to serve God in our actions. To think that simply because we are a member of the human race, and we are here, we are due our place is not correct. We have been given a great gift to exist and to make a difference in the future of humanity.
If all of us stop and truly think of the blessings that God has given us, it is not that difficult to realize how lucky we truly are.
To provide a means for the nonconformists of human endeavor to inflict harm upon mankind is reprehensible and cannot be allowed. Acts of "Terrorism" and suppression of human rights should not be tolerated in our society today.
Fanaticism and driven righteous acts carried out in the name and supposed beliefs of God are not the answer to these problems. Too often the perpetrators of theses acts have no idea of what the true idea of belief in God is.
So the bottom line is be aware of what you believe and accept what others believe, but do not allow either to inflict harm.
May the good Lord bless and keep you safe to further his will on the Earth and it's people.

Mike Spainhour
To All People That Share This
World We Call Home

We as the human race upon this Earth can no longer accept the extinction of life that a few accept as a continuance of their ideals. Every individual has it within them to make this a better place to live. Differences of opinions and beliefs' are not excuses to target the members of your family in a destructive manner.
Any action taken against another based upon these differences alone is inhumane. All injustice toward people should draw attention from the members of our family. These injustices can not be allowed to continue on their own paths' of destruction. We as a family must protect all of our children and not accept the attempt to remove their childhood and development by placing them in harm, or by twisting their belief of their own existence.
It has become necessary to take action against the inhumane treatment that mankind has inflicted upon each other, and many will die. All through our miniscule history on this planet we have exhibited the very essence of what has allowed us to survive this long.
What we have to believe in is the future of our children and the safety of their children. Better times will come for them and we must try to protect that time.
I attempt to write these ideas based upon the teaching of Abraham and his belief that all should be treated as family. His idea that violence toward a family member was a disgrace is now more than ever applicable. I am ashamed of the members of our family that draw their strength from the oppression and manipulation of others.
The idea of violence toward others based upon religious belief is absurd and totally irrational. The practical teachings of our fathers do not bear witness toward justification of this action.
It is time to wake up and see what is really needed in our world.
The time has arrived to take positive action against the Jackals' that would claim the world as their own. Put aside your individual beliefs' and think of those that follow. Their poison can infect all that they contact and persuade others to the warped ideal of what they believe.
Be alert and prepared for we know not the time or place, but we will meet our maker.
Mike Spainhour


“story317.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,