September 11 Digital Archive

Helping hand for Argentina


Helping hand for Argentina



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The financial crisis in Argentina has led Bnai Jeshurun, a synagogue with Argentine roots, to genera

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Helping hand for Argentina

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Steve Lipman

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Jewish Week

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The financial crisis in Argentina has led Bnai Jeshurun, a synagogue with Argentine roots, to generate support for that countrys once-prosperous Jewish community.

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The last time Rabbi Daniel Goldman, spiritual leader of the largest synagogue in Argentina, came to New York, he spoke at a Congregation Bnai Jeshuruns (BJ) shabbaton, describing the deteriorating economic situation of Argentine Jewry.

That was in early December, two weeks before Argentinas economy collapsed into a black hole of unemployment and looting.

This weekend Rabbi Goldman returns to Bnai Jeshurun. And, said Rabbi Marcelo Bronstein, the synagogues Argentina-born senior rabbi, the situation is even worse.

The financial crisis in Argentina has led Bnai Jeshurun, which has spearheaded activism for the countrys Jewish community because of the Argentine roots of the synagogues spiritual leaders, to start a major outreach effort to rabbinic leaders and members of New Yorks wider Jewish community.

At a meeting this week with rabbis from Upper West Side congregations, Rabbi Goldmans message about his countrys once-prosperous Jewish community was bleak it cannot support itself for the near future without the help of overseas Jews.

He will bring that same grim forecast to a Bnai Jeshurun shabbaton this weekend at a public forum Monday at 7:30 p.m.

Argentine Jewry, largely middle class, was disproportionately hurt by the governments decade of disastrous economic policies and corruption, which resulted in the current rounds of inflation, devaluation and immigration. The official unemployment rate is 35 percent and rising; at least one-fourth of the countrys 200,000-member Jewish community now lives below the poverty level.

I grew up there, said Rabbi Bronstein, who was an active member of Rabbi Goldmans Comunidad Bet El synagogue. That congregation was founded by the late Rabbi Marshall Meyer, who served at Bnai Jeshurun after leaving Buenos Aires.

Many people in the Jewish community dont have any money left, Rabbi Bronstein said.

People are basically eating from trash cans. People are becoming homeless, he said. Medicine is not available. The day schools are closing. The country I grew up in full of life, full of Jewish life doesnt exist anymore.

Rabbi Goldmans visit here is sponsored by Bnai Jeshuruns Latin American Committee, which focuses on economic help for Jews in Argentina and the restoration of Cubas small Jewish community.

We have a responsibility to all of Latin America because Marshall Meyer started the seminary, said Karen Radkowsky, co-chair of the Latin American Committee. The Seminario Rabinico Latinoamericano is the branch of the Jewish Theological Seminary in Buenos Aires that trains rabbis who serve throughout the region.

Theres just a natural link between BJ and the Latin American community, Radkowsky said. In addition to Rabbi Bronstein, the congregations other senior rabbi, Rolando Matalon, and its cantor, Ari Priven, are from Argentina.

People know to call BJ when [they have a question] connected with Argentina, Radkowsky said. For information, contact the committee at (212) 787-7600, ext. 371.

The current crisis in Israel has overshadowed the problems of Argentine Jewry, said Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler, co-chair of the Latin American Committee. I dont think the Jewish community of the United States is aware of it.

The synagogues Latin American Committee last year established a twinning program with Comunidad Bet El, raising $100,000 for the Bet El soup kitchen and other humanitarian programs.

Its not enough to help all the people who turn to Bet El for support, Rabbi Bronstein said.

The Bnai Jeshurun committee, which coordinates its work with UJA-Federations Task Force on Argentine Relief and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, has also published a guide to Resettlement Opportunities in Israel, Europe and the United States, set up a Web site ( BJLatinAmerica) with information about its activities, and has encouraged other local Jewish institutions (synagogues, schools, Jewish community centers) to establish similar twinning programs.

Theres no reason every shul in Argentina cant be twinned with, Rabbi Bronstein said.

Bnai Jeshurun is devoting its immediate attention to the physical needs of Argentine Jewry, he says. Phase one is to help people survive, he said.

The focus then will turn to immigration. Despite predictions of the Jewish community leaving en masse, mostly to Israel, no more than an estimated 10,000 have gone so far. The rest should go, eventually, Rabbi Bronstein says.

Phase two is to encourage people to leave, he said. There is no future there.

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“Helping hand for Argentina,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 15, 2025,