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911DA Story: Story
The terrorist attacks occured on a Tuesday which was one of the days of the week where I was able to sleep in. My roommates and I were all sleeping when suddenly my neighbor came running into the room saying "turn on the news, shits getting fucked up!!" I apologize about the bad language. I completely ignored him because what he said sounded so untrue and made up. My neighbor then turned on the TV. I was still half asleep, but I managed to hear something about a plane being flown into the world trade center. Once I heard that, I jumped out of my bed and began watching the news. I had no clue on what was going on. My neighbor told me that two planes were flown into each of the world trade center twin towers and another into the Pentagon. The news then explained it was a terrorist attack. I couldn't believe my ears. As we continued to watch the news with live shots of the world trade center, I watched the two towers crumble to pieces. As I watched that happen, a feeling of sadness and anger came over me. I knew there were still people in the towers as they fell and kept wondering why anyone would ever do this to us or to anyone else. Why would people do this to one another? The whole situation sickened me. However, I do know that justice will be served. It's only a matter of time before that happens.
“story198.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,