September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I remember being at my computer at work when the word went around that a plane hit one of the Twin Towers. We were all, like, "HuH? A plane hit the building? You SURE??" Then all the radios on the floor were turned on. By that time, the second plane had hit. At first we thought it was an accident. Now we're all thinking "Terrorists!!" We stayed at our desks and kept listening to the radios. In the meantime I tried to call my husband who was in the city, a bit uptown from the towers. The phones weren't working. I tried to e-mail and amazingly the e-mail service was still operational. He told me he was okay and would keep in touch. At some point a TV was turned on in the big board room and the next thing we heard was "The building is going to fall!!". We all rushed into the room in time to see the South tower collapse. It was like a movie or something - it didn't seem real - it COULDN'T be real! And just when you thought it couldn't be worse, not long after, the North tower fell and we all collapsed in each others arms and cried and cried over the horror of it all. I felt numb the rest of the day. It was the first time I could remember where I watched nothing but news reports for days. Here it is, one year later, and I spent the entire morning watching the reading of the names and crying for all those who lost their lives on that fateful day. This should not have happened and God help us, let it not happen again!!


“story2453.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,