September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

We could feel the building shake across the water in Brooklyn. Who could have ever thought of the horrors we were to witness. Looking out the window, we could see the smoke and the papers flying through the air. I was 4 months pregnant with my first child and couldn't believe that something this horrific could happen. I couldn't help thinking that the papers flying through the air looked like angels flying through a sea of despair. How true that was. We couldn't get direct information in the school. We couldn't find our loved ones - some never did get to say goodbye. We had to stay calm for the elementary school children. How can you explain to such small children the impact of the events?

The days following were 'numb'. I believe that the rain was the tears cried in heaven by those who had to look down upon us. They couldn't keep us safe. So many new angels. It is hard to believe that so many were needed. Those who found loved ones safe and sound were thankful for answered prayers. Those who did not continued to hold out hope. Following such a great tragedy, the people of New York came together like never before. There was such a sense of mourning, brotherhood, and comraderie. Since this tragic day in September 2001, this sense of brotherhood has waned. This continues to add to the tragedy of all those lost souls.

My daughter is proof that life is precious. May you all find such proof of life and love. May you all remember loved ones here and passed. Keep them and your neighbors in your heart. May God bless you all. We will see our loved ones again, in a happier and safer place.


“story4533.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,