September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

September 11 was a day that went by in slow motion. It seemed that it would never end. And then on Sept. 12, it was like reliving it all. I was a high school freshman thinking that my worst fear was Algebra I honors, but I am scared to say that I was wrong. I was in Algebra I when the bell rang and I walked into the hall. Unlike every other day in high school history the halls were almost silent. Everyone was walking slow and as quietly as possible and almost silently whispering to there neighbor all the information they knew. When my principal came over the intercom to inform us of the events I was shocked. I immediatly asked to go to the restroom. If cell phones really cause brain tumors I should have about 8 of them. The bathroom should have had its own tower. Everyone was calling and checking on there family. Not having a family and living my best friends, I called them. They are in college and most of the were at work. I called my best friend who told me that his older brother worked in the second tower. By this time it was almost 10:30 central time. The events had been played on teevision many times. I was begining to get a clear picture. My school went into lockdown. I live in the same city as Barksdale Air Force Base. The place President Bush went to to make his speech. I saw Air Force One and I cried for the man who it was up to save our country. I watch TV all day. I woke up to my best friend Steven getting in bed with me and telling me that his brother Seth had been killed. For many people they could not believe that the towers were gone. I couldn't and still can't believe that I live in Louisiana and was so affected by those events. The nation was really hurt, and so was I.


“story9357.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,