September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

When I heard that a plane had struck the first Tower, I had a feeling that this was something more than an "accident" and my first thoughts went to my grandchildren and the world that they were going to have to learn to live in for their entire lives. The things my mother had told me about WW II came to mind and I couldn't really comprehend that this was happening. (She died in Oct., 2000 at age 92 and I was so glad that she wasn't here to experience this - so much had happened in her lifetime. I was glad she was spared.) At any rate, in my time, I could never had imagined the feeling of grief for my country that I felt. I called my daughter immediately (her husband is in the Air Force and I was worried about them, of course), my husband and tried to call my son. We all wept together that day, and we all became closer that day. Fortunately, for us, that feeling has lasted. I resolved that day to try hard not to get all tied up with trivial things and try to rejoice in every day that we have on this earth. I also mad a resolution to try to make just one person smile every day. So far, so good. I'm proud of my country, family, my President and his Administration, our military and so many people that have crossed my path this past year. I know that America will survive and rise up stronger than ever. I hope the people never forget how grateful we should be every second of every day to live in this great country. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!


“story4506.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,